How Kendle Anz Lands $2M+ Luxury Homes in Florida

How to become the go-to architect

Before joining the Architect Marketing Institute’s SIX program, Kendle Anz of Anz Design Studio, based in Tampa, was like most architects―taking on projects that came her way and drafting for other firms. Caring for her own firm’s finances, she hoped the projects would not get canceled midway due to budget constraints or timing issues. Securing the design of $2M & Up Luxury Homes in Florida came next―significantly with proper instruction.

When Kendle joined AMI, she started to take on dream projects and found she liked overseeing the process and designing the way she always wanted (prioritizing the client’s needs, of course). Success originating from a streamlined process, she grew motivated to become an architect officially. Kendle realized she could not only survive but thrive, gaining confidence and credibility to take her business to the next level. 

Putting faith over fear thanks to AMI-proven methods

Kendle now has faith without fear. Creating and implementing her unique system (through methods she was taught by AMI), she’s grateful to have attracted a number of better projects in only a year and a half. 

Another strategy Kendle discovered from AMI when learning how to become the go-to architect is to send monthly newsletters consistently. She is the go-to person for 3 of the top builders in her area for custom luxury homes priced at $2M and up. She lives in an area saturated with architects who would love to work with these builders, so including them on her newsletter list gave her absolutely incredible traction. 

Striving for client satisfaction

Seeing the clients' delightful reactions and how positively they describe their projects and homes, Kendle’s client experience is the best part of her work. Cultivating healthy relationships, her process is much more personable and goal-oriented, and she designs each custom home according to the client’s unique lifestyle. All architects strive to help clients achieve their dreams; how each architect fulfills those dreams is distinct to their design philosophy. For Kendle’s $2M+ luxury home designs, AMI has given her a system to formalize and implement her process so that the clients can understand and follow without feeling overwhelmed and stressed. 

Kendle says her clients feel like, “Hey, I'm achieving my goal, and Kendle, the architect, is helping me get there.”

The clients' reactions have been the best part of the entire experience. Kendle developed and named her process the Design DNA method. It’s all about going much deeper than the superficial requirements. Clients say they want these many bedrooms, these many bathrooms, and these many features. The Design DNA method focuses on the client’s overall life goals, professional goals, and family goals and how such goals are embodied in the design. 

Looking at the overall project

Kendle certainly deals with the more complex factors in projects like budget, code, and restraints. However, clients feel that everything comes together with the creative parts of the project and don't feel like they are making sacrifices. Kendle and her clients plan together instead of working with a bucket list and piecing it back into reality.

Originating from the reality of the client’s circumstance, she, as a now-official architect, builds the dream from the ground up. Her last client said they tell everyone (who is an ideal prospect) to talk to Kendle. The client told her what they wanted in life, and she gave them a magical plan with everything they needed that was aligned with their tightly constraint budget. The clients thought they would need much more money to achieve their goals. Once Kendle dug past the formal requirements, she could see what the clients truly wanted, giving them a variety of options. 

The Lesson: Start with what’s truly important. Building an architecture business, like a design project, should allow more freedom to craft the solution that best aligns with your dream lifestyle.

Kendle on Becoming the Go-To Architect

Want to learn how to become the go-to architect in your niche?
Watch Kendle’s short success story on how she doubled her revenue above. Like this clip and subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive up-to-date notifications on advice for architects looking to win better projects.

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