Architect Branding Raises Your Value

Architect branding matters. Here's why you should be a sucker for the brand

When my wife and I went to New York last year, our kids gave us a shopping list and my son put a Beats headphone on that list.

‘Ah, Max,’ I said, ‘they’re $200.’

‘Don’t be a sucker for the brand, I have a $50 pair and they are fine,’ I said. ‘It’s just a label. I can get you a pair for $50 and they’re just as good.’

The kids all laughed and said, ‘Ah, Dad, you are so uncool.’

So we bought them. We probably paid $50 for the headphones and $150 for the logo.

Cool, better, or both?

This year, we went back and there were these Beats headphones. ‘Those are cool,’ I thought. So I bought them and took them home and the kids all laughed their heads off.

‘Dad, you said just last year that it’s just branding.’

‘Oh, no, the ones I got are far more cool,’ I said, justifying my purchase. ‘Mine are the Beats Solo, Max’s were the Beat noise cancelling version – mine are better.’

Well, they are cool so why not. I was buying on emotion and I didn't mind.

Architect branding matters

Beats are well-designed and since I’ve been hanging out with architects I’ve come to appreciate good design. Other headphones have the skull and crossbones, some are made out of wood, but these are just a good, simple Apple level design.

The Beats brand is for people who want a cool well-designed headphone and I guess I am buying a little of that cool for me. If your design can represent something more than just the function it provides, then people will buy what your space represents … and that’s when you create value.

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