The Architect Guide To Writing Emails: Double Your Projects This Year

architect guide to writing emails

I'm giving away my biggest marketing secret, which is an architect guide to writing emails. When done correctly and consistently, this simple advice could double your sales in 2018!


You should be sending your clients and prospects a regular email for the following reasons.

Stay Top of Mind

1) Many prospects who say ‘no’ initially will eventually buy when they are ready and begin to know and trust your brand – you have to stay top of mind.

2) Past clients will buy again – you need to stay top of mind.

3) Very few salespeople follow up with ongoing value – you need to stay top of mind.

4) You can make a lot of money by repeating offers multiple times – you need to stay top of mind.

5) You can use your own personality to differentiate yourself – you need to stay top of mind.

Those are just some reasons off the top of my head, there are many more.

An Architect's Guide to Writing Emails

Did you know that most customers only buy after at least 5 touch-points? This means that it takes five instances of interaction before they are ready to purchase. How many times do you follow up?

BOTTOM LINE: You should communicate with your market far more than you do and you can double sales if you followed up with the right email habit. I call this type of ongoing emails a ‘circle of love’. Everyone needs a ‘circle of love’.

Do you want some tips from a pro?

Why would you take tips from me? I know you are not really asking but it gives me a chance to tell you anyway.  🙂

Because this is not my first rodeo, I send out about 50,000 emails per month to various lists I have.

My point is that if you write quality and consistent emails to your list, you will stay top of mind and make more money. Now who doesn’t need that?

Communicate Regularly

What type of list should you communicate with regularly?

1) Client list

2) Prospect list

3) Referrers and Influences list

4) Everyone Else list

OK, so what is the secret to writing a spankingly good email?

The answer may surprise you. I bet you think you need to write highly valuable educational content each and every time.

Not at all.

While quality content is useful, content is not the star of the show. The secret is to entertain people first.

Even while everyone is busy, they still find time for Facebook or YouTube or to go see a great movie or show. Even busy people make time for entertainment. If you get the reputation for giving an entertaining email, then people will take the time to read it.

Case in point – you are reading this bad boy right now while you have other stuff to do.

Think about it – content is free, I can do a Google search and find 80% of the secrets you think you possess. Someone else is giving away your industry secrets for free. Possibly the only thing your unscrupulous competition cannot rip-off from you is your personality.

Tell Stories

Writing great emails is harder if you are an absolute bore but you can get around this  – someone else can write for you. If you are going to write the emails yourself, then use this technique: embedding your educational message into an entertaining story.

You may have noticed that I like to write emails when I am traveling because there are always entertaining stories to tell. I’m sure you’ve all seen Lessons from Las Vegas, Lessons from Vietnam and Lessons from San Diego. I have grabbed people's legs by mistake in men’s toilets, been ripped off by taxi drivers, had to walk from San Diego airport to my AirBnb and other ridiculous acts due to my own stupidity.

As soon as I do something stupid that will make people laugh while traveling, I find a way to retrofit a marketing lesson into the story. People love stories about mistakes or embarrassing situations more than anything else.

As I've stated several times, the main point to remember in this architect guide to writing emails (that sell) is that the story is the star of the show and the lesson is only the supporting act. 

Have I just given away my big Circle of Love secret?  Oh well …

Learn other techniques that directly affect your bottom line! It's best to start with our post on Architect Positioning.

Happy Marketing!


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