Kiwi Krew Kicks Off The Architects Marketing Academy’s Thunder Down Under

Kiwi Krew Kicks Off Thunder Down Under

Kiwi Architects Start Architect Marketing Training

How many Kiwi architects does it take to drive a car to the restaurant after a AMA Thunder Down Under workshop?

Answer five, plus a driver.

On Wednesday 7 of the 9 Kiwis assembled in Wellington for an inaugural AMA Thunder Down Under NZ.

The day started at 3am for the sleepless Graeme Blair. Graham rose and drove from Hamilton to Auckland to catch a connecting flight to Wellington. He did not hit his bed until midnight that night.

He deserved a sleep in the next morning.

The day ended with Dion Gosling sitting on the lap of wide angled photographer Edwin Derricut, Lee Wilkinson and Bruce Mitchinson in the drive to the restaurant at the end of the day.

Don Jamieson who only lived one kilometer from the venue wisely sneaked away early.

It was great to have the team co-host the live Q&A session with Enoch, Eric and the other 40 architects from around the world.

Mona Quinn made a guest appearance before lunch and guest speaker Frank Aldridge, the highly paid consultant to government gave the team a run down on how to run a proper Needs and Options review.

This is something he teaches government departments before a procurement project is allowed to start.

The big lessons of the day.

  1. Charging for an LCC service is more about your psychology than the clients.
  2. The key to charging a fee for an LCC is the story you tell. By the time we pull out the ‘Needs and Options review is like the foundations upon which a house is built’ analogy most clients cannot resist.
  3. If that doesn’t work try the ‘surgeon would not operate on you without first conducting a diagnosis, the Needs and Options review is the diagnosis’ then the client is powerless to defend against you.
  4. Giving a design fee price over the phone would never be given by a heart surgeon and we should not lower ourselves or profession by being bullied into doing so either. Simply tell the caller you are busy but reschedule for later. This takes back control and forces the caller to fall back into your process rather than you following theirs.

A great day for all and the experience of meeting architects on the program was valuable and enjoyable.

I head to Coogee beach in Sydney for the Ozzy Thunder Down Under on December 17th. Everyone is welcome. I expect this event to be an equally an enjoyable and valuable occasion.

We’re already getting plenty of early bookings. Once again make time to join us for the dinner at the end of the evening.

If you don’t fancy an 18 hour flight down under and you can get to the West Coast of the US, save the date for the week of February 23. We’re still finalizing the dates for the ‘Northern Rumble’ in Las Vegas.

If you want to join us send us an email so we can gauge interest.

Talking over the internet is great but you cannot beat face time. Hope you can attend one of the days around the world.

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