Sunshine Island Hero of the Month: Adrian Ramsay

Designer Adrian Ramsay

Welcome to Part 9 of the Sunshine Island Hero of the Month series, which highlights the marketing of Australian designer Adrian Ramsay. We celebrate the way he takes action to build out his marketing system and gets results — ideal clients and dream projects now land on his doorstep! 

Sunshine Island is based on AMI marketing coach Richard Petrie's story about the mythical city of Archville … where architects and designers can live in the Old Quarter, the Artists Quarter, the New Quarter, or Sunshine Island. Architects work hard to reach Sunshine Island where they find financial freedom by consistently securing the best projects and fees. 

When “living” anywhere else, we find that architects continuously struggle to find clients, are afraid to ask for the fees they deserve and spend a lot of time doing work for free. 

Designing was not the problem for Adrian Ramsay, owner of Adrian Ramsay Design House.  With 20 years of experience planning new homes and renovations for estates from his office in Queensland, Australia, Adrian felt something was missing.  His biggest issue was a specific way to unravel marketing.  He wanted a proven method that could be implemented quickly and easily, getting him the right leads.

The AMI SIX program was the answer. With a specific roadmap, tools and resources it was easy.  Following step by step, he avoided the months of work and overthinking. Just change the name, take a look, and it’s live on your website.  It’s a great feeling to get the email that you have a new lead.

“SIX is a 90 day program, but you can get traction within under a month," he tells Richard in their interview below. "You focus your energies and clearly see where the road leads, and you have a guiding hand taking you down the road.”

He now has better quality clients, charges higher fees, eliminates free work, plans his workflow better and has better projects. The best part is it works; he has a script and key positions of the script mean that certain things happen.  People feel more confident to buy.  

“By taking the key parts into action, the tap goes from warm to hot," he continues. "The hot leads are the only ones you want.  You can say NO to the warm and cold … I can now relax and do what needs to be done.”

Watch the video below to find out how he made his way to the paradise where every architect and designer can find success.

This success is all because Adrian now realizes he has TWO jobs:

  1. Marketer of design services
  2. Designer

Adrian Ramsay is this month's Sunshine Island Hero.

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