Berkeley, California Architecture Firm Wins International Business Transformation Award

Berkeley, California-based architecture firm Mikiten Architecture recently won the Architect Business Transformation Contest sponsored by the Architect Marketing Institute.

Mikiten Architecture was selected to receive this award from among 5 international finalists by a peer group of licensed architects at the Architect Business Development Summit that was held in New York City on April 7 and 8, 2016.

I have [new] project opportunities that are happening…I feel like I’m more in control. My frustration is gone and I'm more organized and so I'm more confident, and other people are more confident in me. I feel like I'm the captain of my ship, and I haven't felt like this since I first started my firm. This is a great thing!

Erick Mikiten, AIA

Berkeley, California Architecture Firm Transforms Business

After 25 years in the profession of architecture, Mikiten Architecture principal Erick Mikiten, AIA had inconsistent clientele. He wasn't earning what he felt his experience and value merited.

However, only months after learning and implementing some surprisingly effective new business strategies, he has found a new level of success and satisfaction.

“I have [new] project opportunities that are happening … I feel like I'm more in control,” states Mikiten.

Implements marketing strategies for architects

Architect Marketing Institute selected Mikiten Architecture as the winner of the Architect Business Transformation contest based on this video entry. Mikiten outlines his diligence in implementing the ethical marketing strategies taught by AMI.

In addition, Erick Mikiten furthers the profession of architecture and its impact on the built environment. He serves on California's Building Standard Commission and researches and publishes industry-leading best practices in Universal Design.

As winner of the Architect Business Transformation Contest, Erick Mikiten won a trip to New Zealand to study personally with the world's leading architect marketing coach Richard Petrie.

About Erick Mikiten AIA and Mikiten Architecture

Mikiten Architecture focuses on providing cutting-edge market rate and affordable housing, and high-end private homes in California's Bay Area. The firm was founded by Erick Mikiten and Elisa Mikiten in 1991.

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