How Architects Can Be Creative in Marketing

how architects can be creative in their marketing

iWatch is cool. What’s more, Apple has done something that architects need to do … inspiration for how architects can be creative in their marketing.

They’ve taken three completely different genres and tied them all together and now they’re tops or close to it in all 3.

Think about it.

They are the largest phone manufacturer.

They are the largest or second largest computer seller.

Now they have the watch industry by the wrist.

But the iWatch doesn’t really want to be a watch at all, does it?

They’ve tried to make it as un-watchy as possible.

Apart from telling the time, it doesn’t do anything else a watch will do, it doesn’t appear unless you hold your wrist at a certain angle (probably to save power), no stopwatch or alarm. The iWatch is busy being an extension of your iPhone. It has all the phone apps – fitness, heart rate, Facetime, messages.

They knew they had to design it to make it really cool.

So they’ve designed it within an inch of their lives and you can tell.

If only we had designers available for all of our businesses …

Hang on!

You’re a designer – Apple’s got nothing on you.

Let’s apply your design skills to your own business. Learn how architects can be creative in their marketing.

Some of you use questionnaires on your clients. What would you ask yourself in a questionnaire if you were designing the ‘dream architect office’ in addition to people’s ‘dream homes’ or new offices?

I think we’re onto something here.

What would you build into the design of the perfect office? Don’t hold back. Be like Apple and bring 2 or 3 or 4 streams of thought together.

Think about the projects, yes, but also the data tracking and the lifestyle.

Think about the look.

What would your dream firm look like?

Free yourself to create anything, you’re only playing.

I’m staggered how creative architects are with spaces and yet completely dominated by limitations when it comes to designing their business.

Let go.

Grab a sketch pad and flesh out its features, the cool things you would offer, what it would look like, the streamlined ways you would collect data. Be as un-architecty as you can.

Do you want to work on better projects? Higher fees? Only work 4 days a week? Speak at a prestigious event? Be featured in a magazine? Consult to architects and become a subject matter specialist and travel the world?

Architects can be creative in their marketing. Get started.

Now – how’d you like my personal help in designing your firm’s client-getting system?

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