Overcome Client Objections with Frequently Asked Questions (Lessons from Mexico, Part 1)

overcome client objections with frequently asked questions

During my travels in Mexico, I realized another way to overcome client objections with Frequently Asked Questions.

I shouldn’t be so suspicious …

But when I stroll down the main walkway in Mexico City to our restaurant in the square, my wife Julia and I pass a raft of beggars. Some are performing on the guitar and others have situations that are quite disturbing.

Where the cash flows

If I give them money, can I trust that they will use it wisely? Might they be collecting cash for an evil manager as in the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”?

We give a few pesos to the kids playing music, but wonder if we are doing them any good.

overcome client objections with frequently asked questions

I shouldn’t be thinking like this, but I do. Maybe I am way off and maybe I am right. I don’t know. But this thinking impacts my decision making.

Let’s face it … people like to know where their cash is flowing.  

Though this is quite different, your potential clients have doubts and fears, too.

They’ll want to know, are you ripping them off?

Beyond that, they’ll want to know, are you organized and able to handle the road blocks? Do you know what you are doing?

Why FAQs?

The best time to confront fears and objections is while they are small. Before they have a chance to grow big.

One way I do this is in FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions). I put down the objections as questions and answer them. For architects, this might be: “How will I know what I’m getting?”

Tim Alatorre, one of our Masterminders, wrote and answered this question: “I have another architect who can get it done faster. Why does your design take so long?”

Questions your clients should ask

Another tool is your SAQs (Should Ask Questions). These are the questions people usually don't ask, but you want them to. Once again I ask the question on their behalf and answer it. “What will be my return on investment for this commercial property?”

It’s in our nature to be a little suspicious. It keeps us safe. But you can remove a lot of fear and suspicion by front footing the potential objections before meetings. Give your clients peace of mind.

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