The Power of Small Thinking (and Problem with Dreaming Big)

problem with dreaming big

My first marketing business was with a guy called Hamish. Hamish was a BIG goal setter and would set targets that were almost unbelievable. The problem with ‘dreaming big’ is that it can also mean being overwhelmed.

The action plan to achieve our big dream was daunting. Seeing our huge ‘to do list’ on the wall felt like we were never making progress. As soon as we completed a set of actions, then we added even more. It felt like an endless uphill climb.

What we needed to do was think small — sometimes less is more.

By breaking work down into small achievable tasks, you make a big difference. Completing becomes addictive and the snowball starts to gather momentum.

Doing vs. Done

Most people have a ‘to do list’ when what is more motivating is a ‘completed list’. So the question moves from ‘What do I need to do today?’ to ‘What have I completed today?’

For example, as a content creator, it is easy for me to start three different documents and jump between all three for days. Maybe I need to write this email and ‘The Big Idea Letter’ and the introduction to the new Slow Selling program. Once again this can be overwhelming. What I need to do at the end of the day is look down and see something finished.

I needed to condition myself for completion, not doing.

When I first started to create marketing training for architects, I made the same mistake. The early courses were so full of ideas and techniques that even smart people got overwhelmed.

The secret to our recent SIX results for client success has been to reduce the content to just the steps that will get fast results.

Enoch asked me: ‘What do architects need to do to get results?’

Think small. Less is more.

Yes vs. No

The answer was that architects need to make more offers to more people who can say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ That is all.

Monkey’s Fist: Do you want education on a specific problem?

‘Yes’ or ‘no’?

LCC: Do you want specific advice on your situation?

‘Yes’ or ‘no’?

Ask the Expert Call: Do you want to ask an expert a few questions about your ideas?

‘Yes’ or ‘no’?

Everything else from the old program could be eliminated.

Instead of asking ‘What's the MOST I can achieve?’ … ask yourself ‘What can I achieve with the least effort?’

Less is more.

Transform the Problem of Dreaming Big into Your Greatest Strength

My takeaway is: Stop trying to impress myself or others with big goals and huge training programs — just create stuff that works.

Are you guilty of thinking too big?

How could you make your goals smaller, more motivating, more believable and more doable?

Would you be more energized at the end of the day if you had a completion list rather than a to-do list?

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