Architects Saving the World (Part 2)

To become the hero in your own story, you must become an expert. You probably already are — think, where are your talents most needed? That’s how you save the world. Get in that hero mindset. Then, learn to promote the ever-important ‘Ask the Expert' session. 

Challenge objections before they arise. Swoop in and save the day by gifting your prospect the right questions to ask. Here's how the conversation should go:

Hi [Client's Name] Have you ever asked an architect these questions?

How much will my project cost?

Who should I be speaking to?

How long will my project take?

What is the process?

What are the legal and physical restrictions we should know about?

Are my ideas even feasible?

Those are great questions, [Client.] Moving forward, are you worried you might be making the wrong decisions about your project or that experts might be taking advantage of your lack of knowledge?

Uncertainty causes procrastination for months or even years or worse still you might rush ahead without the answers throwing money into a bottomless pit.

With over 70% of projects going over time and over budget it proves most people do not do their homework upfront.

But what happens on the call? [Your client may ask.]

I will review the obstacle holding you back and answer any curly questions you have. Then I will give you a big picture road map and outline your next steps. If I cannot any specific question, then I will direct you to someone who can.

How do I benefit from that? 

With your next steps mapped out, you walk away motivated and confident because you have a clear action plan to move forward. A successful project is the result of great planning and eliminating assumptions.

Because you took the time to find the RIGHT answer you are putting solid foundations under your future project.

Being proud you created a special space for yourself or your family is a wonderful feeling. Not only do you end up with a better result but your project is more likely to be delivered on time and on budget but you end up with a home that your family wants to come back to. Your children will bring their children and enjoy many happy hours together.

Great, how do I schedule the call? 

  1. Click on the button below and you will be taken to a page that shows my calendar.
  2. Choose a time and day that suits you.
  3. Enter your details in the form and you are good to go.
  4. You will be sent an email that contains a short questionnaire, this allows me to prep for our call. Complete this and return.
  5. Remember to enter our appointment into your calendar and bring along anyone else who is an important stakeholder.

WELL THERE YOU GO. Wasn’t so hard with a process to follow, was it? Now it’s your turn. Take each offer and follow the steps. Hurry, the world needs saving.

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