Architect Marketing Institute to Offer Marketing Breakthrough Seminar for Architects

marketing breakthrough seminar for architects

Visalia, California; Sept. 12, 2018 – The Architect Marketing Institute (AMI) is offering its Marketing Breakthrough Seminar to architects this Oct. 9 in Los Angeles. AMI co-founder and CEO Enoch Sears, who is an architect, says, “We’re trained in school as architects, but not in how to sell and market ourselves as architects even though this is one of the most important aspects of running a firm.” Sears and his AMI co-founders, Richard Petrie and Eric Bobrow, are known for helping architects find their niche, employ marketing strategies that work, and transform their firms.

“This workshop is designed for one purpose – to give you a roadmap to results,” says Sears. “You will feel much clearer on your goals and be able to adopt our specific strategies in order to reach those goals.” The objectives of the seminar are:

  • Design your firm's client getting plan working one-on-one with Sears and AMI co-founder Richard Petrie.
  • “Re-wire” your brain so you actually love marketing your firm.
  • Make the big mindset shift by going through the same exercises that coach Richard Petrie takes our Mastermind Coaching members through.

The Architect Marketing Institute provides tools and resources to help design firms increase their success through effective marketing and sales processes. AMI gives firms around the world access to the strategies they need to succeed in a competitive market. For more information and to register for AMI live events, visit  More at or (415) 423-2225.

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