The Power of a Niche for Architects

niche for architects

Helen Butcher has found her niche, and shows us the power of a niche for architects and other professionals who want to make it big. A film student at Brigham Young University in Utah, Helen specializes in documentary filmmaking.

Her films highlight social issues such as gender, race and disability. ‘The Coal Minority’ looks at female coal miners’ hardships as their industry falls apart.

Great project and location

The film industry, however, is alive and well in Utah. While Helen has found her niche in project type, she has also found her niche in location.

She realizes Utah is a special place for filmmakers because its laws encourage independent film-making. Filming permits are easy to obtain.

‘The film industry-related laws in Utah make it easy for anyone to pick up a camera and create something,’ she told Deseret News.

After all, Park City, Utah is the home of the famed Sundance Film Festival. Of course this is where filmmakers want to hang out!

Utah Film Commission and the Motion Picture Incentive promote the services and locations needed for producing films and television series. HBO’s high-rated series ‘Westworld’ was filmed in Moab, Utah.

In 2015, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation ranked Utah first in the nation for innovation and entrepreneurship, reports Deseret News. Utah offers a welcoming atmosphere for the film industry and an area for fellow artists to come together.

Power of a niche and sub-market

We’re seeing here the power of a niche and a sub-market. It’s not about doing things right … It’s about doing the right things in the right places.

Helen found her place in Provo, Utah – which is supposed to be the happiest city in the U.S. She’s feeling most satisfied in this hub surrounded by filmmakers, dancers, writers and visual artists.

Think about this for a second. Consider if you’re doing the right things in the right places. Have you found your niche project type and niche location?

You’ll truly thrive when you look deep inside – discover the power of a niche for architects … your leading talent and the people who crave it

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