Use This Example To Enhance Your Architecture Firm Client Experience

architecture firm client experience

Hi Everyone! Richard here … Today, I'm going to talk about the customer journey and why it's important. The customer journey is what an architecture firm client experiences while using your services. Granted, there are a lot of priorities when it comes to marketing your architecture firm. But taking the time to ensure that each client receives a stellar and memorable experience means higher satisfaction and more referrals.

There are many ways to provide a memorable business relationship with your client. A great example of enhancing the customer experience would be by providing each potential client with a Shock and Awe Box, which is what we teach our architect clients to use.

Next, check out the video below where I'll walk you through the customer service journey created by a local chiropractor. This business made it a priority to set up a customer journey that provided a fun and engaging process that educated each client along the way. After providing a great service, they followed up to get a good review and to undoubtedly inspire current customers to refer others.


What do you do to make each architecture firm client happy?  The key is to find a way to engage and give customers an experience to remember you by. It's not about money or lowering fees to ensure a great experience for your clients. So get creative and have fun with it and the client will, too.

I'd love to hear how you provide a memorable customer journey experience! Feel free to share it with us in the comments below.

Happy Marketing!

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