AMI debuts book that goes ‘Inside the Mind’ of two dozen architects

Inside the Mind of the Architect

Visalia, California; December 26, 2018 – The Architect Marketing Institute (AMI) is pleased to announce the publication of the anthology, “Inside the Mind of the Architect.” Every featured story in the book shows the ways successful architects are approaching and then writing about their design work to attract ideal projects. The book features some two dozen leaders of firms; they share firsthand stories that they also send to new clients and potential referrers. “Architects are curious about the writing and business strategies of other architects,” says Eric Bobrow, editor-in-chief of “Inside the Mind of the Architect” and a co-founder of AMI. “This is the first time that such a collection has been made available.”

The Architect Marketing Institute provides tools and resources to help design firms increase their success through effective marketing and sales – and better customer service. “Inside the Mind of the Architect” shows what happens when architects who are not yet famous have chosen to transform their firms by sharing their stories. To order your copy or for bulk orders, please contact or call (415) 423-2225.

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