Time to ‘Architect Your Life’: Set Business Goals for the New Year

architect your life in the new year

Setting business goals for the new year? No question about it. You should. In the new year, become the architect of your life.

Today I had a coaching call with a Mastermind member who has been drifting.

We discussed different opportunities around marketing. However, I could feel that for some reason we were not making progress.

Our call was drifting.

Let's ask the important questions

‘You know the problem?’ I said, ‘You don’t have a goal. All of this effort feels like more work to you, but for no reward.’

‘I think you're right,’ he replied.

‘Let’s forget marketing for a few weeks. Let's focus on what is really important: Getting you a goal or destination that is worth working for.’

Eureka. Now we are focusing on the cause, not the symptoms of his procrastination.

So today, we met up again for the purpose of finding his WHERE, WHY and WHAT.

WHERE does he want to be in 12 months?

WHY does he want to achieve his goal?

WHAT does success look like?

HOW will he get there?

How we set business goals for the new year

With this simple focus, the answers came quickly.

WHERE: Turns out in 12 months, he wants more FREEDOM.

WHY: So he can focus on projects that make a difference and give him the recognition he wants.

WHAT: Success looks like him winning a large aging in place facility. But for this project, he will be the conductor, not the worker. On completion, he can afford to spend more time teaching and consulting.

HOW: Write a book that positions him for such a project. It will be written specifically for a certain type of sponsor.

Following through with the action will be easier. That's because he now has the energy and passion behind the plan. He is headed in a direction he wants to go … toward the rewards he craves.

Do you have YOUR future clearly mapped out in your head or on paper?

Use your design skills and sketch up a dream life for '12 months from now.'

No excuses! You are a professional at seeing things which do not exist yet.

It’s time to architect your life in the new year.

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