AMI Celebrates (Now) 12 Years Helping Architects Attract and Win Better Projects
So how did a CAD specialist from California pair up with a professional cricket player from New Zealand to create a powerhouse
Continue reading >So how did a CAD specialist from California pair up with a professional cricket player from New Zealand to create a powerhouse
Continue reading >Done well, the leverage of the old fashioned newsletter can win the hearts and minds of your key referrers. But no one does
Continue reading >When presenting a client with your LCC, make sure that the service you offer cannot be compared with architects offering
Continue reading >The LCC or Low Commitment Consultation is one of the secrets created by Richard Petrie. When Adrian Ramsay hosted Richard
Continue reading >Because when you specialise in a specific type of problem, you start with a highly motivated client who has limited options
Continue reading >Get focused. You’ve got to know who you’re after and learn to say no to who is not a good match for your firm.
Continue reading >Picking a great niche that no one else is focused on and claiming yourself to be the expert is like winning before you even
Continue reading >Do you have a system in place for your firm? Get inspired & watch Michele Dempsey's interview with Richard Petrie on
Continue reading >SIX+MAPS is our 9 step system for winning high value projects. SIX stands for Sunshine Island Express, inspired by my story
Continue reading >When Jaipal Singh, principal and founding owner of Chaatrik Architecture and Urban Design based in Cincinnati, Ohio, joined
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