What is a Strategic Branding Experience? Watch this interview

Architect Marketing Institute Mastermind member Michele Dempsey talks about creating a Strategic Branding Experience for commercial clients. Pictured here is a project in Las Vegas, Nevada by DxDempsey.

Michele Dempsey is the president of DxDempsey in Scranton, Pennsylvania (US). Thanks to the continually growing strategies she is learning from AMI, she has mastered the art of marketing for commercial architects. In her interview with Richard Petrie below, she shares how she got to Sunshine Island—the magical destination where architects and designers earn high fees and work on fulfilling projects.

“Four years ago, I had built my own prison. I didn't know how to get out of it. The sky was falling and I couldn't see the firm's future. Finally, through AMI, we have defined our niche,” she reflects since joining our Mastermind program. “We know who we are and can communicate our value to clients. With AMI's writers Sienna and Jennifer, I've learned how much stories can strengthen relationships and attract the kind of projects I really love.”

In the interview, she expands on various marketing strategies she has learned from the program such as newsletter writing with our content team, developing a Low Commitment Consultation offer to stop doing pre-design work for free, gathering a Shock and Awe Box of resources and gifts for ideal prospects, and guiding each of her clients to create a unique branding experience for their business/commercial spaces. (One of her favorite projects is seen in the photograph above, which was taken at Bella Scarpa in Las Vegas.)

“When we implemented an AMI strategy, we connected personally and professionally with a client on a whole new level,” she continues. “Everyone we work with at that company sent us personal emails about how much they loved the story about our project. It galvanized our client relationship –– getting our firm in the lights for more projects we love to do.”

Making a good first impression is key. When Michele is going to meet a prospect for the first time, she brings a Shock and Awe Box as a gift. With this in hand, each prospect feels special and that they already have a personal connection with Michele and her expanding team.

For this reason and many more, she is an excellent example of marketing for commercial architects. Sharing the secret to her success, Michele says, “Once we landed on that Strategic Branded Experience framework, we started to know exactly what we do, we started to know how to talk about it, we started to know what projects to take and to not take. So we made some really big decisions and we came up with our own vision, mission, and values.

“We know who our A-list clients are and we value our relationship with them. They become our partners. I can speak about my clients’ businesses as deeply and as knowledgeable as people who work there. And that’s the friendship. We don’t think we’ve been successful unless they’re successful.”

Do you have a system in place for your firm? Get inspired and watch Michele's interview with Richard below.

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As a Mastermind member, Michele Dempsey is part of our innermost circle. She says, “AMI has helped me stay in touch with my best clients –– past, present and potential ones. Landing great jobs through referrals is possible … and it’s more than just word of mouth. AMI helps me stay in touch with my network in many ways, in-person and online. I see there's a spike in people looking up or firm after I implement their strategies. It’s great to feel seen and heard in a community of people who care about quality design!”

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So join the profitable conversations you won't get anywhere else. Click here to request to be a group member. Go here to find out more about what AMI offers ambitious, proactive architects. 

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