Superstar Lesson #2: Frank Lloyd Wright is a Marketer First

Coming to you from the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio just outside Chicago with another one of AMI’s superstars, George Turner …  

George owns three offices around New York City. As one of our top architect marketers, he couldn’t help but experience Frank Lloyd Wright’s design from a marketing point of view.

Look at Frank Lloyd Wright's Marketing

Frank Lloyd Wright was only 5’ 6’’ and yet projected himself as a big man. Make no mistake — he was a marketer first, an architect second. With George, we’ll look at just how Wright marketed himself.

‘Wright is famous for design but also philosophical quotes and humanist concepts. He positioned himself as a genius. His mother told him he was a genius from the beginning,’ George says.

That’s Wright (a little pun there), he had no problem telling the world how much of a genius he was. Programming from the start paved the way for the legacy we adore today.

Even his office layout spoke to his status. An inner sanctum here, a higher ceiling over there, staff in a different space — his office was set off from everyone else’s. The hierarchy was obvious through design.

Marketer First, Architect Second

Our AMI Superstar, George Turner, is inspired by this iconic design and distinctive marketing strategies. As he positions his firm, they are getting to a place where prospects recognize him as an expert.

It’s amazing, decades later, people are still buying Wright’s work … and merchandise. You can buy anything from a mug to playing cards to a dog collar.

Yes, a marketer first, an architect second. How can you follow in his footsteps?

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