Dear Friend Seeking How to Become an Assertive Architect,
I love anything that sounds counter-intuitive.
Firstly, because it intrigues me, and secondly, because strange counter-intuitive stuff typically scares everyone else off. What you are going to learn today certainly fits that brief.
Okay, so here is my seemingly ridiculous statement, which, as you might have guessed, is counter-intuitive and yet 100% true.
You can win more projects and make more money from the people who say “No” than those who say “Yes.”
How does that strike you?
What if I said that we, at AMI, make probably 400% more money from the people who say “No” than those who say “Yes”? Would that surprise you?
Let me explain and then give you a few examples.
Research around marketing suggests that of those who respond to an offer:
- 50% will buy (at some point).
- 50% will never buy.
- Only 15% will buy within 90 days.
- The remaining 85% will buy within 2 years.
Responders to a sales message:
- Within 90 days.
- Not within 90 days.
- But within 2 years.
Those who will commit to a project (50%):
- 15%
- 85%
Those who will not (50%):
- 0%
- 0%
If we use these numbers as a guide for us, and I believe they are reasonable, then let’s do some math. Say you get 100 people wanting to download your Project Planning Pack on [your specialty or niche], then based on these numbers 50 will do a project within two years and 7.5 will do something within 90 days―not necessarily with you, but they will do something.
Let’s say that you did get 100 people to download your Monkey’s Fist and we guess that, of the 100, there are only 7.5 genuine NOW buyers on the list. We could also guess that some of those might already have an architect or don’t even want to use an architect. Maybe they watched a TV show that convinced them they can do the entire job themselves for 25% of the cost that you can. So maybe there are only 3 or 4 of the 7.5 worth talking to.
That is not a lot, but actually, it is enough. If you could win one or two projects, then that might be a good result. We are being pretty conservative here. Of the 100 prospects who download a Monkey’s Fist, 3 to 4 are worth talking to now and maybe 2 are projects you win …
… which means if you want 6 projects, you need 300 people to download your Monkey’s Fist right? Wrong.
You have forgotten about the NO’s again, silly.
The money is in the NO’s. Remember the title of this blog (big clue)?
Consider… when learning how to become an assertive architect, that just because only a few people out of 100 requested a chat with you initially, that does not mean NO. Not by a long shot. It just means “not NOW.” That is a very important distinction.
So the 85% who will eventually do a project, but say “NO” to a meeting right now are not a “NO”; they are a YES, but just not yet. This is a LOT of clients, projects, and fees sitting on your Monkey’s Fist list. Better still most of these people will not have a preferred architect yet either (too early).
The point is if we stay in touch, if we stay top of mind, if we add value and become their coach and educator over the next two years … more will eventually succumb to your charm and get to the point where they say, “Hey Martha, I think we are ready to talk to that architect who keeps emailing us every month — do you have her phone number?”
Let’s do the numbers
Over time we get 100 people who download our Monkey’s Fist.
- 50 will never do anything
- 50 will start a project within 2 years
- Of the 50 who will …7.5 will start a project within 90 days
- And 42.5 will start a project after 90 days but within 2 years
So 50 projects starting within 24 months is 2.08 per month on average.
Even if you only pick up 1 project initially, the process is STILL working. But ONLY if you continue to stay in touch in some meaningful way with your list of 100. Because statistically, every new month another 2.08 are now ready to say YES to someone.
That is why the Circle of Love is so important. You should be actively implementing this strategy while learning how to become an assertive architect. In doing so, you are trying to catch the next 2.08 who become ready to move ahead each month. So of the 7.5 in the first 90 days who are ready to move ahead, let’s say 3 contact you for a chat and you convert 40% to a project. Then of the 2.08 each following month who now become ready to move ahead, let’s say only 40% contact you for a chat and only 40% of those chats convert to a project.
Based on these hypothetical numbers, you win 1.2 projects in the first 90 days and 6.8 projects over the next 2 years. Mathematically, that is 8 projects from a list of 100 people who download your Project Planning Pack.
Okay, so 6.8 of the projects that go ahead initially said “NO” to meeting with you. That is why the money is in the “NO’s” … really we should call them the “not yet’s.”
Of course if, when you offer your Monkey’s Fist, you make it mandatory to give a phone number before you send them the Project Planning Pack and you call them within a week, then your conversion rate will increase dramatically. Making the steps to your process mandatory is essential for learning how to become an assertive architect. I have found that when running seminars if we call the prospects on the list, we can increase attendees 300%.
I don’t know how many more you could convert to an initial meeting or LCC, but I KNOW it will be more if you call after they request your Project Planning Pack (or other Monkey’s Fist).
Also if you have multiple Monkey’s Fists or a really good Dirty 30, then you might get a lot more leads than 100 (or the leads might be a lot better quality than the low conversion rates I used). Or it may take you 12 months to get 100 Project Planning Pack requests, but remember this is an extra 8 projects over and above what you get now. It is worth the effort. An extra 8 projects are not insignificant. It might add an extra $100-300K or more depending on your fees.
How To Love Your List
Now that we have the numbers covered, the mechanics of staying in touch are simple. If you are a SIX+MAPS member, then you have ArchReach, which is AMI’s automated database/CRM/email service. You simply write 2 years’ worth of emails, drop them into the system and everything magically gets sent to your list by the marketing pixies.
The question is WHAT do we say to stay top of mind?
Just think “E3.” Education, Empowerment and Entertainment.
- Education — teach ’em something relevant.
- Empowerment — show them how to DO something.
- Entertain them — make ’em laugh or cry or curious about something.
The Easy Way
Question of the month: You know this already—just ask a question that may or may not be from a subscriber and answer it.
Defining “Should Ask Questions” in addition to the typical “Frequently Asked Questions” helps you learn how to become an assertive architect, educating prospects on what they should be doing to follow your process.
“Dear Richard, how can I work out what my project will cost?”
“Dear Richard, my site is on a steep hill. Who do I need to talk with to get a plan approved?”
Then you answer your own question in the email. This format is so simple and useful to your audience. Always end with “when you are ready here are three ways we can help.” Then get specific:
- Download my Project Risk Reduction Checklist, click HERE.
- Book a one-on-one chat to get your questions answered, click HERE.
- Get me to investigate your options for your site, click HERE.
Load one question into the system for each month for 24 months and you will be staying in touch and occasionally someone from the list will connect with you to ask a question.
The Memorable Way: Becoming an Assertive Architect
This method hits the entertainment and empowerment aspects of E3 a little more.
You follow this process:
Step 1: Tell a great story.
Step 2: Explain how the story is a metaphor for their project.
Step 3: Instruct them on what to do next.
This is basically what I do for you and the other 30,000 people on our list. And guess what?
People do contact us and book calls and buy things over time. I know this works.