Magic Tricks to Get Your Architecture Firm Noticed

How do you get your architecture firm noticed?

If your firm is anything like Queenstown, New Zealand, it’s naturally spectacular. I’m here at the moment, and let me tell you, the view is absolutely breathtaking.

A world-class destination, this resort town gets people’s attention quickly. Tourists and New Zealanders flock to the scene without being persuaded.

Makes sense, too — “The Hobbit,” “Lord of the Rings Trilogy,” “Narnia” and “Wolverine” were all filmed among the alpine landscape where lakes mirror mountains.

Learn ways to communicate

For your architecture firm, it may be a bit harder for you to communicate that you’ve got a world-class product (which I believe you do).

So how do you tell the right people that you do a great job?

The answer: It’s hard.

Forget, for a moment, having the world’s greatest product.

Create small miracles

Your job is to create little miracles.

Think about what Jesus did — walking on water, breaking the loaves, and feeding thousands of people. He got people’s attention and made his mission known.

Maybe there’s a part of your process that you can highlight. Get your architecture firm noticed among all others.

Make it seem like magic, because for your audience, they are looking to you as the magician — the architect who can make their dreams come true.

It doesn’t need to be big. A short, impressive presentation will get your architecture firm noticed.

Perform a magic trick of sorts

My question for you: Can you perform a magic trick?

I think you already do. Perhaps you have 3D goggles up your sleeve or can sketch an idea at the drop of a hat. Part of the way you navigate zoning laws could be it.

How does your firm dazzle clients?

By all means, have a world class product … and small magic tricks that the right people talk about to their friends and colleagues who will hire you next.


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