How to Be the Most Productive Architect

how to be the most productive architect

How can YOU be the MOST productive architect?

‘It’s not what you know,
it’s what you consistently do that matters.'

Stephen Covey talked about success in doing the actions that are IMPORTANT but not URGENT. We all do the urgent stuff anyway. Often, we are just being reactive to others at these times.

We need to know what our IMPORTANT stuff is and make sure it happens consistently. Better still, habitually.

Three things I find IMPORTANT are:

1) Visualizing my outcome in DETAIL and EMOTIONALLY in advance.

2) Planning the steps.

3) Setting aside time to prepare for my activities (I'm not saying to do them — yet).

The first two may sound obvious, which they are, but the third makes the DOING easier.

If I have a clean desk I work better. If my actions already have the phone numbers, email addresses and notes in a tidy place ready to go, then I am ready, I can act on them at super speed.

I don’t have to jump from ‘planning’ to ‘finding’ modes. Changing modes slows me down. I want to be in either the finding/researching/organizing mode or ‘doing’ mode, not both.

This works for me. Let's get productive in 2019.

As an architect, what are your three IMPORTANT activities that get you into hyper productive mode?

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