How to Nurture Your Circle of Love

A Clear and Proven Marketing Plan for an Architecture Firm Discover How To Find And Attract The Best Clients And Projects With This Free, Step-by-Step Flowchart

“I don't want to bother clients” is a common objection that architects bring to my virtual table.

Stephan Mejer, a fellow kiwi/New Zealander, wrote to me from his firm in Motueka: “I work with a few builders who refer to me and I don't think sending them a newsletter will make them send me any more business. Also, I am not sure about sending a newsletter to past clients as they remember me anyway and I don't want to bombard them with a newsletter every month.”

Stephan, you are not alone in thinking like this. But the good news is: You are wrong 🙂

Think of it like you are trying to impress your partner. If you ignore a new girlfriend thinking she will remember you anyway, then, my friend, your love life will be tragic. That's why we call, email, message and text them regularly. Because you like them and don't want to be forgotten. Not every builder, realtor or past client is going to be a great date, but they are special and need to be treated the same way as good friends.

When you are creating an inner circle of referrers, which is the objective, then remind yourself of how you acted when trying to impress your partner.

How to attract ideal clients for your architecture firm

Example: Richard Petrie (me), Co-Founder, Architect Marketing Institute

Every week I send emails to all of you (if you're on our mailing list) to keep in touch, give you tips and bestow my wisdom. And once a month, I send newsletter subscribers some extra love — my BIG Idea Letter. This way, even if you can’t make it to the wonderful and inspiring weekly SIX or Mastermind meetings, you don’t forget who I am and what a benefit it is to be part of the program.

Connecting the dots: You will not stay TOP OF MIND and referable unless people know, like and trust you. But even if you tick all those boxes, if you do not consistently stay in touch they will not send people your way. It is professional to stay in touch, especially if you have an E3 approach – Education, Entertainment, Empowerment.

Benefits of the Circle of Love: By staying connected with your Circle of Love, they will be more likely to think about you when they hear about a project and client that is ideal for you.

Next steps: Have you wished your Circle of Love success and happiness in the new year? How about all your subscribers?  If not, now is the time. Check out this example of a winter holiday newsletter that one of our Mastermind members, Cinda Lester, wrote with the guidance of our brilliant content team. If you're just getting started on your journey with AMI, download the free flowchart pictured above here.

Struggling to keep your audience’s attention and attract ideal clients for your architecture firm? Watch me explain 2 relevant strategies in this 50-second video. Like, comment, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more snippets of free advice:

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