The Unfair Architect Presentation Secret

architect presentation secret

The Unfair Architect Presentation Secret

In this video, I will reveal how to consistently win projects by using an incredibly effective architect presentation secret. Hint: It’s all about asking an irresistible question that makes clients reveal their decision-making criteria!

This ‘unfair' presentation secret certainly worked for me, as we won every single big project when I utilized this method. It can certainly help you get on-point and on-target. This helps to ensure that when you present something to a panel or to clients before a decision is made, that you are presenting only on what's important to them.

This is massively important. The secret to marketing is to simply find out what people want and give it to them and the quickest way to find out what people want is to ask them directly. This is true whether you are finding a way to market to your target audience or deciding on how to approach the presentation that will determine who wins the project.

I've just shown you how to do that.

Learn about why it's so important to lead the architect sales process.

Try this out and let me know how it worked for you. I can't wait to hear your feedback.

I enjoyed making this video for you, actually, because I quite enjoy retelling that little story – lots of great memories!

If you need help systematizing your marketing and/or building an effective architect marketing foundation for your firm, press the button down below or you can keep reading and start at the basics of architect marketing here.

Happy Marketing!

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