Architects Saving the World (Part 1)

I know, the value should be obvious, but it isn’t. You need to educate people as to how their lives will be saved by your superhero resources – architects saving the world one design at a time. 

I know, the value should be obvious, but it isn’t. You need to educate people as to how their lives will be saved by your superhero resources – architects saving the world one design at a time. 

Today, I am going to step you through how to craft some words you can adapt for any promotional situation. I see so many offers that do NOT explain the value of the session/tool. We need to help these poor souls understand that they do not need to suffer any longer. There is a better life just around the corner if they follow your advice.

Contrast is the key

To me selling is about showing contrast, either between the pain of their current situation and the benefit and relief of a better place OR the pain of taking the wrong track compared to taking the right track. The “wrong track” method is a better way for our situation.

In it, you hold the map that helps people avoid extreme misery and takes them to a better life. But many people do not even realize how risky their journey is until it’s too late.

You're doing important work

Helping people make better choices requires educating them about what can go wrong. As a professional, you should not hold back on giving them a sample dose of emotional distress and agony that comes from going off track. You do your clients a major disservice if you do not show them the future pain that comes from walking down the wrong path. 

Do projects go wrong when people follow bad advice? YES, you know it.

Can poorly run projects end up spiraling out of control with massive cost overruns? YES.

Can people end up with a result they are not happy with and regret it forever? YES.

Can a bad project end up costing couples their marriage? YES, it can be the trigger.

Can a bad project send someone into bankruptcy? YES, many times.

Do people cry ‘if only we’d known’ when no one told them the consequences of a bad decision? YES YES YES.

This is not exaggerating or stretching the truth, this is REALITY. So it’s your job to show them how, if they take the wrong steps now, they are headed into the fire.

Do not hold back when you explain the possible consequences – hit them between the eyes, emotionally, financially and logically.

Here is a quick course on how you sell something, educate on:

  1. What it is
  2. Why they need it (logical)
  3. What disasters can happen if they don’t have it or do it (get emotional and bring in pain)
  4. What will they get during the (Monkey's List or Low Commitment Consultation
  5. How will their life be better immediately
  6. How will their life be better in the long run (get emotional and bring in emotional gains)
  7. How to get them to order (MF, LCC)

Discover how architects are getting valuable leads from a Monkey's Fist (MF) here:

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