Climbing The Power Pyramid

5 comments on “Climbing The Power Pyramid

  1. BrianLewis on said:

    Comment: Becoming an expert is an interesting process and is worth setting as a goal.

    Question: How long would does the process take to reach a respectable level?

    • Eric Bobrow on said:

      Brian – That’s an excellent question. Consistent efforts will lead to results over a period of months, particularly if you can put some of the “clues” to authority, celebrity or expert status in place, such as interviews, videos and/or authorship of articles or a book. It helps if you are actually an expert due to your long experience in a field; then when you add a few additional pieces to the visible “evidence” you will be perceived as someone who stands out from your peers.
      – Eric

    • Avatar photoRichard Petrie on said:

      Hey Brian
      Remember we are talking about being seen as an expert in the mind of your prospects. Who form opinions a lot faster than your peers. They are the only ones who really count.
      How long does it take to position yourself?

      If I see an architect has

      1) written a book
      2) been interviewed here there and everywhere
      3) been a speaker at events
      4) talked about by others
      5) been photographed with a celebrity like Kane Williamson 🙂

      then I instantly assume they are high end or an expert. Especially the photograph!

      Sorry could not resist.

  2. William Gentile on said:

    Richard Petrie, thanks for this mini-webinar, looking forward to the full training presentation

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