I sat down with AMI co-founder and leading architect marketing coach Richard Petrie to talk about the roots of AMI and how we have grown. Here are his answers to 5 frequently asked questions. If you want to learn more about how becoming a member could help you attract better projects, feel free to reach out in the Architect Marketing Institute Facebook group: archmarketing.org/facebook.
How did AMI start?
Around 2013, I met an architect by the name of Mona Quinn. Through our work, she got very good results and then was interviewed by Enoch Sears on the Business of Architecture podcast and by Eric Bobrow on his podcast. Then Eric suggested that if I was to do a marketing course, that they would promote me. The relationship we built between the three of us, around Mona's success, were the roots of AMI. Then it grew from there.
How quickly did AMI grow?
The very first group had 10 people on it. By the third group, we had hundreds. Then it grew steadily. We’ve had over 600 architects and designers go through a version of our program. Having connected with so many clients, people in the program represent a small number of architects around the world. It’s an exclusive club. We’re still the best-kept secret in town. A lot of people say they don’t want to refer us because they don’t want any other architects knowing about it. We are The Secret Society of Successful Architects. AMI's program has given our members an advantage over others in the field.
How do you get results for your clients quickly?
We teach the LCC Method, which is about getting paid for predesign research. Most architects think that doing free work upfront will get them a project and we found the opposite to be true. “LCC” stands for Low Commitment Consultation. Architects who sell an LCC report and move forward with the project do very well. (Often the LCC is the motivating factor.) Their conversion rate to design contract is 90 – 100%. That is the secret of the LCC is to become the incumbent with a low commitment offer and the project becomes yours to lose.
What do you offer?
Our primary offers are the SIX+MAPS program and the Mastermind program where we help clients get better projects. Based on my Sunshine Island story, the Sunshine Island Express (SIX) offers the starting steps to attracting and winning better projects by focusing on a high value client (by delivering a high value result to a high value client) and by positioning yourself so that you are #1 in a category of one. The program helps you create the basic building blocks of your marketing. Then, the Mastermind program goes more in-depth with more advanced strategies and through one-on-one help with me. As a Mastermind member, you get to work in a team of ambitious, proactive architects regularly to maximize results.
What’s the best technique to get projects for architects?
Referral systems like the Dirty 30 are the best because design is basically a referral business. Architectural clients buy their designer by asking around and getting recommendations. For most architects, referrals represent about 80 percent of their business. So if that’s the natural way for people to buy their design services, we need to focus on that area to make the architect become even more referable. Anyone interested in creating a referral system or expanding upon their current one should find out more about our secret newsletter formula.
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If you are ready to trade in lousy fees and lousy projects for a better life, explore the services we offer at Architect Marketing Institute. Design your destiny with our free marketing crash course: “How to Stand Out, Attract and Win More Architecture Projects by Applying Pareto’s 80-20 Principle to Your Marketing Strategies.” Just go here to sign up.
Curious to connect with like minds? The #1 thing people say they love about the Architect Marketing Institute Facebook community is the giving and sharing nature of the group. Every other group of architects tends to be flooded with their competitors who don't want to share sales and marketing ideas freely. Join the profitable conversations you won't get anywhere else. Click here to request to be a member.
“Working with an awesome network of people around the world is such an advantage. The generous sharing of secrets — what works and what doesn’t — elevates the profession. I want to thank you, Richard, and thank you, AMI,” says Mastermind member Michele Dempsey.