Apply the Marketing Genius of Hamilton to Your Architecture Firm

Half time here at Hamilton, a brilliant show, not to mention brilliant pricing and packaging. It got me thinking: What should Hamilton and your architecture firm should have in common?

Let me explain.

Seeing this show is not cheap, and neither are your architectural services if you're playing your cards right. In my experience, the United States, especially the performance industry, are masters at extracting every last dollar out of you.

This can be a good thing.

During intermission, a little cup of soda at Hamilton cost $6 when everyone knows it's really worth 30 cents.

Why price something more than its worth on the surface?

Because you're not just buying a drink, you're buying a piece of memorabilia – a Hamilton cup. Whenever you drink from it in the future, you'll always remember the day you landed tickets to this award winning show (I know I will).

Clever pricing and packaging jogs the memory and eliminates client objections. You need to do the same in your marketing.

For architects, the most effective packaging strategy is the Shock and Awe box – a collection of educational material designed to be a ‘salesman in-a-box.’ Impress your client with guides and packets, photo albums, articles and fact sheets, plus a little gift. One small gift can make a strong connection. Mail this package before your first meeting and you’ll be eliminating client objections before clients can even consider them. You can crush architectural client objections by adding this information to a FAQ page on your website, too.

Learn more here:

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