Gain A New Perspective at the San Diego Marketing Workshop

Everyone has objections your situation is no different. As an architect, it's not whether you get objections but how you deal with them that will significantly affect the success of your firm. Here are the 3 kinds of objections and things your clients will say to make them known:

Real objections. ‘I actually cannot raise that much money' (when they really cannot)

False beliefs. ‘I don’t have time' (no, everyone has the same amount of time)

Lies. ‘I can’t afford it’ (when they can)

Now that you know which category your client's objection belongs in, you can craft an effective response.

The most interesting category is #2. In this situation, your job is to give them a new perspective where they can see beyond their limiting belief.

Sometimes you can dig deeper to ask WHY they have that belief and challenge the ‘why.' Sometimes you can flat out challenge the belief itself.

When you have rapport and authority, the client is open to understanding. You can explain the real situation —  and they will listen. Why? Because your perspective is closer to reality than theirs.

Watch this video where I demonstrate how to handle objections and gain a new perspective (shot on location last week at a glacier in Switzerland).

PS: You are invited to work with me and Eric in a LIVE workshop in San Diego on September 25th to fine tune your offers and messaging. If you send an email to and type ‘San Diego’ one of our team will give you a call and give you the details. Make sure to include your phone number. I will also do a 20 minute one-on-one with you following the event to make sure you have implemented properly. We've never done this before! The free call is ONLY for people who respond to this post and join us in San Diego.

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