The Problemator

Successful architects I've met – people like Art Gensler, Richard Meier, Thom Mayne, Frank Harmon and Art Dyson – have one thing in common:

They have a highly refined sense of persuasion and showmanship.

What do I mean by showmanship?

I'm not talking about ‘smoke and mirrors' or the ol' dog and pony show – I mean they're engaging, visionary and dynamic people.

When they present their ideas, they present them through the power of stories, and they have the ability to captivate audiences (including selection committees).

I used to believe these personal qualities were innate – you either had them or you didn't.

Now I realize the truth.

This, like most everything else, is a skill that can be learned.

In the video on this page, architect marketing coach Richard Petrie gives you a framework for persuasive speaking.

This is a short-cut to influence that takes many people a lifetime to learn (most never learn it)!

What you discover in this short video will transform your ability to speak and write persuasively as an architect – if you apply it and practice it.

When you become effective in this method of speaking, you'll get more of what you want in life.

In fact, you may feel as if success is flowing down on you like you're standing under Niagara Falls!

Here's the video, take less than 18 minutes to watch it now – if you apply the strategy you discover it will change your life:

If you enjoyed this video and you want to get the full Petrie Method training that Richard talks about in this video, go here: The Petrie Method Training for Architects.

6 comments on “The Problemator

  1. Hi Richard,
    The method sound very promising. Thankyou. I find it a little tricky to imagine how a dialogue with a potential client in their loungeroom may play out if I was to do this. Perhaps a role play would help articulate the method as you move forward with refining? The examples you gave are helpful but still a bit abstract. Might just be me though.

    • richard Petrie on said:

      Luke – this is how we naturally speak when we are being persuasive, I did not invent it, I just noticed it and broke it into pieces. Draft out FABs for each element of your business, then practice until you are comfortable and feel natural when talking about each one.

  2. David Crawford on said:

    Need to be able to do this extemporaneously for client meetings. How do I practice this?

    • Richard Petrie on said:

      Easy – but it takes some practice!
      Take your features and use the 3 step process to write out the advantage and benefit, then learn them so you know them inside out.

  3. Bruce Turner on said:

    This is great Richard. I’ll watch it a couple more times before getting to NYC. Thanks.

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