Why We Are Different: Great Example of Return on Design


I was looking at golf drivers when an ad came up on my Facebook. The website I happened upon as a result shows a great example of return on design.

It’s called Bombtech Golf. The name already grabs your attention. I know it grabbed mine.

What sets the company apart? A more aerodynamic golf club. Less resistant, it allows you to hit the ball better (more often).

Pretty cool … and they’ve got the research to back it up.

Scroll down, and you’ll see a visual that explains why it’s cheaper than the typical golf club. You would think, well if it’s cheaper, then it must not be as good.

An architect should be looking to be different, too.

Here’s how Bombtech challenges the traditional way with the golf club …

The outcome of the well-designed golf club, like good architecture, is described in both the traditional and new sense: “Designed and Engineered a High Quality Product.”

Displayed on the right side of the screen, we see the traditional way. It goes to the wholesale retailer who charges their fee, an agent in the middle who charges more, plus traditional marketing and the retail mark up.

Boom. $697 average price.

But their way is better and less expensive. With no pro contract, you’ll save money upfront. Organic growth is possible through social media. The online model comes directly to you.

All this for the low low price of $347.

While I don’t recommend lowering your fees, it’s important to differentiate your firm. Justify the way you work using a visual. Compare the traditional way with your way. It’ll really make an impact.

Drive your point home and let me know how it goes.

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