Setting 2020 Goals? Change your life with these 3 questions.

Welcome to the Roaring (20)20s! What is your new year's resolution? Ask yourself these 3 questions to set 2020 goals for your architecture firm.

Welcome to the Roaring (20)20s! What is your new year's resolution? Today I'll give you the tools needed to set 2020 goals for your architecture firm. Here come three questions that will change your year, and your life. 

Imagine going on a walk to the park, but get sidetracked by a shiny object in the distance. You change direction but before you reach the shiny object you see a bright light, so now you head towards the light but then remember where you were going … to the park, so you head off again towards the park and get stopped by a friend who is going to the bank, you decide to head off with him, to the bank. You never get to the bank or the park or see what the shiny object was or the bright light because you were too easily distracted. You achieved nothing for the day. It gets dark so you have to go home. You never got anywhere.

The next day it all starts again.

Do you feel busy doing stuff but not moving your project forward because your actions and focus are too scattered or confused? 

Success is not far away, the problem is we allow ourselves to get sidetracked. By going in one direction for long enough we can reach any destination.

The good news is you are only three questions away from developing a ruthless focus that makes you irresistible. 

STOP and refocus with these 3 questions:

  • What is my outcome (or goal)?
  • What is the next baby step that will move me towards my outcome? (Then do it.)
  • Who am I? Get clear about who you want to be. And be that way right now, even if it only lasts for the next 3 minutes. 

From now on these questions will control your focus and direction when you choose to switch ON. When you switch ON, anything else is a distraction.

Set 2020 goals for your architecture firm

While you are switched on, you become RUTHLESS.

  • You switch ON and the phone rings — you ignore it and go back to executing your baby step.
  • You switch ON and someone asks you to do a job, you ignore, deflect or postpone their request, and go back to executing your baby step.
  • You switch ON and a competing thought enters your head, you write the thought down, and go back to executing your baby step.

Like a sniper with a target in sight, your outcome and baby step is the ONLY thing you see. The only thing that matters is execution of that next baby step. 

When you switch off you can take care of the other stuff. 

The only thing in your world you have 100% control over is your focus. Your focus is the most powerful force in the universe for you. Your job is to maintain control over your focus at ALL costs when you choose to switch ON. The number of minutes each day you choose to switch ON determines the speed you move towards your goal.

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