Big Idea #2: Selling = ??

5 comments on “Big Idea #2: Selling = ??

  1. Cindy Morimoto on said:

    My first impression during the first few moments of the video was “Richard can make a video from anywhere at anytime!” So what is keeping our company from making information videos? We are definitely going to work on getting over that hurdle of reluctance.
    Though your words are always inspiring, Richard, this time just the act of doing the video inspired me to take action. Thanks!

  2. Richard Petrie on said:

    Thanks Lorna – easy to try to sell – it’s better to find people who have a specific problem and help them.

  3. Bob Stewart on said:

    Great points and big smiles!

  4. Lorna on said:

    I love it. Architecture=Problem solving business. Great concept and mind changing.
    The end of the video was super funny!!! Thanks…

  5. Francisca on said:

    Too funny! Great point. Thanks!

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