When Should You Mention Fees?

2 comments on “When Should You Mention Fees?

  1. Mariana Idiarte on said:

    I couldn’t agree more! My advice to clients is always to inform their prospects as soon as possible of their fees. If you continue talking with prospects, answering their questions and providing advice without mentioning your fees, you create the illusion that you work for free and that all the hard work and knowledge you provide is a commodity…

    Often architects are afraid of “scaring” prospects out by talking about fees. What if I don’t hear again from that prospect? My answer: if a prospect is no longer interested in your services because they will have to pay you, it’s better to lose him straight away. Of course there’s more to a proposal than just fees – and every architect should make clear which value and services he’s offering for a fee – but you’d better not waste time and energy in potential clients that don’t want to pay and focus on the serious ones.

  2. Azman on said:

    Thanks mate

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